UETTDREL16A - Working safely near
live electrical apparatus
This Competency Standard Unit covers compliance with working safely up
to the defined “safe approach distance” near energised electrical apparatus (inc. electrical powerlines) for electrical worker. It
includes work functions that may be performed, such as vegetation control, scaffolding,
rigging, painting, and/or any other activity that requires working safely and
complying with requirements and/or established procedures near live electrical
apparatus by an electrical worker. Also included is the preparation of risk
assessment control measures that encompass job safety assessment. It does not
include any work that is or may be performed by other competent operatives
within the defined “safe working zone”. The defined “safe working zone” is that
so defined by relevant State or Territory regulatory agencies/bodies, local
government legislation, Industry bi-partite body – Guidelines/Codes of
Practices or other related requirements for Safe work and access near live
Electrical and Mechanical Apparatus.
entry resources have already been developed. The resources can be referred from Energy
Australia Course.
see the link
safeworking practice can also be referred.
see the link
Australian States & Territories Rules
& Regulations can be added for delivery. We can well deliver.
· UEPOPS349B - Operate Local H.V. switchgear
This competency standard unit deals with the skills and knowledge
required to undertake the local operation of high voltage circuit breaking
This unit can be mapped to
UETTDRIS67+68+69+74 Distribution & Protection units. We can well deliver it
- Develop H.V. switching programs
This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to develop
switching programs where multiple sources of supply must be considered and
This relates to the competency standard unit as a whole, providing the
range of contexts and conditions to which the Performance Criteria apply. It
allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Program may include operations where primary and secondary isolations
are required to isolate a work area, operations where switching involves
multiple and interconnecting power generating utilities,
commissioning/isolating/ parallelling zone sub station plant, transmission systems, bus sections, zone
transformers and interconnected power supplies.
Safety standards may include relevant sections of Occupational Health
and Safety legislation, enterprise safety rules, relevant State and federal
legislation and national standards for plant.
Information and documentation sources may include verbal or written
communications; enterprise safety rules documentation; enterprise operating
instructions; dedicated computer equipment; enterprise/site standing and
operating instructions; enterprise log books; manufacturer's operation and
maintenance manuals; and equipment and alarm manuals.
Communications may be by means of telephone, two way radio, pager,
computer (electronic mail) and operating logs (written or verbal).
Appropriate personnel for consultation, to give or receive direction may
include supervisor/team leader or equivalent, power plant operations personnel
or equivalent, technical and engineering officers or equivalent, maintenance
staff, other operating staff or equivalent, network/system controllers, field
operators, line workers, external customers, project leaders and authorising
Secondary isolations may include VTs, UPS supply, control systems, plant
auxiliaries and DC supplies.
Generic terms are used throughout this Training Package for vocational
standard shall be regarded as part of the Range Statement in which competency
is demonstrated. The definition of these and other terms are given in Volume 2,
Part 1.
6-ESI Study Package 7 (4,8,11,13)- ESI
7 Drawing=Switching Diagram
9-ESI Study Package 10 (18)
ESI10.1 HV equipments
ESI10.2 Substation equipments
11-ESI Study Package 13 (23)
ESI 13 Voltage regulation
15-ESI Study Package 19 (31,32)
ESI 19..2
Generator Control + Load Flow
ESI 19.1 Computer Control
ESI 19.4 Turbine Control
18-ESI Study Package 22 (35)
ESI 22.2 Voltage surge control
20-ESI Study Package 24 (38)
ESI 24 Modern Power System
21-ESI Study Package 26 (41)
ESI 26 Electronics Signals
Please note-some filefactory links may not be working. Once the course is
new updated links can be provided.
UEPOPS430B - Control permit to work operations
This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to perform work
in association with a permit system.
This relates to the competency standard unit as a whole, providing the
range of contexts and conditions to which the Performance Criteria apply. It
allows for different work environments and situations that will affect
Permits may refer to Maintenance Access Permits, Electrical Access
Permits, Mechanical Permits, Testing Permits, Restricted
use Permits, Out of Service Declarations, Confined Space Entry Permits,
Decommissioning/Recommissioning Statements and associated request forms.
Appropriate personnel may include project engineers and leaders,
maintenance personnel, operations personnel, internal and external specialist
services personnel, line management, contractors and standing permit to work
and/or safety committees.
Documentation may include Occupational Health and Safety and
environmental legislation, industry standards, enterprise safety and/or permit
to work rules, enterprise and site procedures, enterprise permit to work
documentation/form(s), and computer based software packages.
Resources may include approved documentation/form(s), manpower,
isolation equipment (locking devices, signs etc) and
Permit to work may include any approved documentation/form(s) controlled
by the safety rules or permit to work procedures of the enterprise.
Incidents may refer to permit to work system breaches.
Generic terms are used throughout this Training Package for vocational
standard shall be regarded as part of the Range Statement in which competency
is demonstrated. The definition of these and other terms are given in Volume 2,
Part 1.
unit can be concurrently delivered with UEPOPS428B - Develop H.V. switching
programs by providing the instruction on students' collection of their
normal workplace procedures and documents. E011/E117 Competencies can also be
UEPOPS456A - Perform switching to a switching program
This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to perform a
switching to a switching program.
T1 Evidence shall show that knowledge has been acquired for safe working
practices of:
Relevant environmental, occupational health and safety legislation and
Enterprise procedures
Plant drawings and manufacturers manuals
Introduction to and typical arrangements of power production plant
Relevant plant and equipment, its location and operating parameters
Relevant state and territory regulations
Switchgear types and characteristics
Electrical protection types and characteristics
Electrical principles
a.c. generators types and characteristics
Transformers types and characteristics
Risk management
Leadership techniques
Plant status
Enterprise recording procedures
Switching operations and procedures
System diagrams
Systems (network)
Computers and software
T2 Specific skills needed to achieve the Performance Criteria:
Interpret plant drawings and manufacturers manuals
Apply relevant state and territory regulations
Apply enterprise recording procedures
Identify plant status
Communicate effectively
Acquire and analyse information relevant to system operation
Recognise abnormal plant/system operating conditions
Determine appropriate corrective actions required
Plan and prioritise work
Acquire and analyse information relevant to system operation
Recognise abnormal plant/system operating conditions
Apply leadership techniques
Determine appropriate corrective actions required.
This unit is similar to
UETTDRIS 71A Transmission Line, UETTDRIS73A Power Transformer & UETTDRIS74A
Power System Protection.
The contents are also mapped
to UENEG037,038,039 that I have ever taught to Diploma
in Electrical Engineering course of Electrical Trades Section in 2011.
We can do it
UEPOPS525A - Coordinate and direct switching program
This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to coordinate and
direct resources for a switching program.
T1 Evidence shall show that knowledge has been acquired for safe working
practices of:
Relevant environmental, occupational health and safety legislation and
Enterprise procedures
Plant drawings and manufacturers manuals
Introduction to and typical arrangements of power production plant
Relevant plant and equipment, its location and operating parameters
Relevant state and territory regulations
Switchgear types and characteristics
Electrical protection types and characteristics
Electrical principles
a.c. generators types and characteristics
Transformers types and characteristics
Risk management
Leadership techniques
Plant status
Enterprise recording procedures
Switching operations and procedures
System diagrams
Systems (network)
Computers and software
T2 Specific skills needed to achieve the Performance Criteria:
Interpret plant drawings and manufacturers manuals
Apply relevant state and territory regulations
Apply enterprise recording procedures
Identify plant status
Communicate effectively
Acquire and analyse information relevant to system operation
Recognise abnormal plant/system operating conditions
Determine appropriate corrective actions required
Plan and prioritise work
Acquire and analyse information relevant to system operation
Recognise abnormal plant/system operating conditions
Apply leadership techniques
Determine appropriate corrective actions required.
The resources for this unit
are already planned in www.electricaldiploma2013.zoomshare.com/files/esi.htm
The detailed are as follows
24-ESI Study Package 33 (6)
20-ESI Study Package 24 (38)
ESI 24 Modern Power System
10-ESI Study Package 12 (22)+ 14 (24)
ESI12+14 Harmonic
ESI12+14 Reactor
ESI12+14 Syn Motor + Generator
Study Package (28) Power
Study Package (9) Protection
Study Package (12) Harmonics
Study Package (19) Computer
Study Package (12) Harmonics
Study Package (22) Generator
Study Package (24) Signal
Study Package (33) Power
Old 332 course unit Power
System Operation Resources can also be applied